Monday, February 19, 2007

Another Thursday

Hey, just a couple of months left my youth group for the season, and I'm kinda out of words to say and ideas to use. We've been doing more and more service stuff this year and it's seeming to work, but having the two last months be all service projects seems a little impractical.

So now as I sit planning March and April, I'm running stuck for a few topics and themes. Any Ideas?

I'm going to go hang out at September Woods this coming Thursday morning starting about 8:30ish and try and come up with the rest of my plan. If anyone else is in the same boat and wants to come put our heads together, that would be great!

See ya! Ty

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Have you checked out the book Imaginative Prayer for Youth Ministry? It's pretty new for YS (Jeannie Oestreicher and Larry Warner) ... it looks like there might be some good stuff in there to use over the next few months...especially through the lenten season -- just a thought