Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Silly M&M thingy

Hey All!

This was an awesome idea... major props to Dave! Very fun M&M thingy too, although you don't see my character b/c she got lost in the download process and I was too impatient... honestly probably user error since we have highspeed/space. Poor Blondie... :) How do you suggest to finance that you need a better computer so you can make M&M characters.... ;) Also, great idea Ty! I may or may not be there tomorrow... but sounds like a good time. Thanks to all of you again for having that discussion at the last get-together. I really enjoy hearing all of your insights... not just on that topic, but on YM as a whole... it helps me grow. :) In addition to the thoughts on Sabbath... I'm curious to hear about how others hold themselves accountable to keeping a Sabbath or taking comp time when applicable?


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